Hopper Health

Hopper Health

B2C Acquisition Strategy


Hopper Health


Acquisition Strategy
Landing Page
Copy & Design
Ad Creative
Campaign Strategy
Paid Ads
Content Strategy

Hopper Health is a US-based virtual primary care app for Neurodivergent adults (ADHD, OCD, Tourettic, Autistic). They take a trauma-informed approach to supporting patients through scheduling, filing claims, regular check-ups, long-term health and follow-up care.

Neurodivergent adults are 51%* more likely to avoid healthcare they need.
They are also more likely to experience additional chronic health conditions (and more likely to be overlooked).

Our research uncovered dozens of healthcare horror stories, with a common thread:Healthcare providers were often dismissive and frequently insensitive when treating ND patients.

We used real quotes from people’s lived experience to build the campaign.

20% increase in new paid members within 2 weeks of launching the campaign.
Just went through the campaign and I have tears in my eyes because it’s just. so. good. I would be proud for anyone I know to see these and know I’m involved in building the product. I’m so happy.
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